Ok, it’s the first post and this one may be a bit long as I want to include a brief introduction so you all are on the same (ish) page. Speaking of…
Introduction: At times I may preface too much (example #1, right now), at times I may not say as much as you want, at times I may ramble on (example #2, right there) and sometimes I may just be reiterating what you already know. But, I hope to introduce you to a song you may have overlooked, unveil a new song you may learn to love, or maybe shed light on a song you may have not liked at an earlier time. That being said, if any of you can ever introduce me to song information or meaning for ANY song penned or written by the Police, Sting or Steely Dan, a generous reward and gasp will be offered.
I was pondering what I should do for my very first post this morning while at coffee before work. I immediately thought of my concert experiences in the past decade from when I used to arrive well before the opening act and never leave until the house lights came on. Now, it almost seems rare that I see the entire opening act and stay until the encore concludes. Why? I can certainly tell you that I am not jaded by the politics or general scene within the music industry. Each day I learn or discover a fascinating aspect within my line of work which enthralls me to continue having fun and work hard. I think it comes down to hearing similar music day in and day out. In addition, after having seen numerous artists multiple times, you can definitely notice the nights they are sick, off kilter or unhappy with the crowd. In addition, after seeing hundreds of concerts, it’s natural to start picking apart talents and peripheral influences (no, not drugs) such as basic practice, lighting, production, song-writing, etc. A performers attitude and energy show and whether you can blame them or not is a topic for another discussion. Sure you paid to see their show…but when it comes down to it, it is THEIR show, their set list and how you respond will dictate their longevity as a performer.
I was sent to see Matt Costa at the Fox Theater just a bit ago. I timed the evening to show up after one of the “lesser known” openers were finished so I could enjoy the main opener who I had heard about through multiple blogs (Everest) and then Matt Costa. Immediately after entering, the sound blew me away and I knew I made the right decision by arriving late. I came to find out that the schedule of the two opening bands were swapped due to travel problems and I was actually being blown away by the band I had aimed to miss. I’m an asshole.
The previous night, I was one of very few to leave early from one of the most beautiful and sought after venues in the country after not fully enjoying the show. Rogue Wave was fantastic but Death Cab for Cutie (a band that I follow fairly close, enjoy numerous tunes and also sold around 8,000 tickets for their Red Rocks debut) didn’t make a great impression on me. Then, last night, along comes Delta Spirit (I thought they had to be from Boulder, Arcata, or Athens with a name like that), an unheard of band that I dismissed, who ended up completely mesmerizing me for the next half hour. I don’t really enjoy when bloggers try to do a play-by-play of a concert…so I’ll just tell you that their attitude, showmanship, precision and sound were very well constructed, loud and overall, fun. I wasn’t outside watching the sunset over Denver, listening to a high-profile band in the most beautiful amphitheater in the U.S with 8,000 other stagnant spectators. I was in a cramped venue staring at an Americana, funky, foot-stomping band with 500 other participants clapping, waving their drinks, and dancing along. Did I leave their performance early? No, I waited until Matt Costa was halfway through his set.

This is similar to what I saw:
(wait till 1:15 in).
Delta Spirit - People, Turn Around
If you like this song, you’ll probably love: The Felice Brothers, Clap Your Hands Say Yeah, Cold War Kids, Wolf Parade, and Bright Eyes.
"I was actually being blown away by the band I had aimed to miss."
Gotta love it when that happens, asshole.
I came to find out that the schedule of the two opening bands were swapped due to travel problems, But, I hope to introduce you to a song you may have overlooked, unveil a new song you may learn to love, Each day I learn or discover a fascinating aspect within my line.m10m
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