Monday, December 22, 2008

Happy Harmonica

My friend teaches elementary school to a handful of pre-double-digit potty lickers. She was asking her class to brainstorm all of the holidays celebrated by different people besides Christmas. One of her kids anxiously raised his hand and blurted out "Harmonica." So, happy first day of Harmonica to you all! I celebrated Harmonica's first evening by cooking up some mean matzoh ball soup full of the fixings for a crew of both Jews and Gentiles alike. And yes, I also drank a cup of eggnog.

Adam Sandler - The Chanukah Song #3

With the hundreds of thousands of Christmas themed music available now, it's even more difficult to keep up with the 22 songs about Harmonica that are understandable. At least us Jews have Adam Sandler to partially thank for letting some type of Chanukah song hit the mass audience. As of 2007, he was up to version #3. It seemed to be a slower 2008 in Hollywood in terms of new Jews getting into the movies and music scene...maybe they were afraid of the Tom Cruise and Mel Gibson wrath. Maybe #4 will be ready by the end of 2009.

Version 3

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