What comes out of Providence, Rhode Island other than a Farrelly brothers flick? Comprising of a NASA technician, a jazz bassist-slash-"baseball scholar" and a painter, The Low Anthem has had a breakout year already performing South By, Bonnaroo, Coachella, Lollapalooza and Newport - ALL IN 2009. The band initially met at Brown University and is now on tour across the globe with stints with Dave Matthews, The Fleet Foxes, Langhorne Slim, Joe Pug, M. Ward...and the list goes on.
The Low Anthem just released their album,Oh My God, Charlie Darwin, from Nonesuch/Bella Union on June 8th. I'll admit I haven't gone through the entire album, but the four I've been running on repeat have my spine chilling. The three members of The Low Anthem construct balanced harmonies with the backing of their their 30+ instruments played between the trio. Here's a taste...
Howdy! Thanks for visiting this soapbox of mine, produced from the fresh air of the Boulder valley in Colorado. If you have some general comments or maybe want to stand on your own soapbox, feel free to email at bodie_johnson at yahoo.com or leave a comment.
Let's keep the goal in mind here too. I work in the music industry while living in an amazing town offering me an abundance of recreational opportunities. I aim to introduce people to music and artists in hopes that they attend shows, purchase albums and spread the gospel...thus improving my profession and the industry as a whole. If you are an artist, a manager, and/or a label and prefer I remove a song posted here, simply let me know and I'll remove your art.
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